How Using an Ethical Approach Facilitates the Organization of an International (Online) Conference During a Global Crisis (6th Annual Conference of EATSA – Euro-Asia Tourism Studies Association, online, Italy, 2020, English)

The 2020 Pandemic forced the informational turn in every sector around the world. For several months, our social relations, a large part of the economy, education services and much more have been transferred online. Our IT-mediated existences lost their classical point of references. In reorganising an international conference online, we had to face new problems and ethical questions. Embracing the informational ontology proposed by Floridi, we used an Information Ethics (IE) approach before the pandemic, considering all the agents as informational agents immerged in a global environment made of information, the infosphere. When the pandemic was declared and the informational turn became manifest, the IE framework adopted turned out to be the best possible choice during the global lockdown. This study shows the relevance of an ethical framework for making decisions both in safe times and during a crisis. In fact, IE can facilitate morally good actions toward respect, transparency, trust, freedom of expression, openness and fairness. Value and informational agents have been the sources and the targets of our moral actions, with the ultimate goal of decreasing the informational entropy of the infosphere. This case study confirms the importance of ethics in the decision-making process and aims to provide new tools to help organising conference ethically.

Keyword: Conference organization, Ethics of Information, Crisis management

by Enrico Panai, Alberto Mario Carta




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