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What is the subject?
A new Maslow Hierarchy of Needs for organizations. 

We have all sensed, at least once, that something in our business processes wasn’t right. To rectify the situation we would start a project. In fact, we do so every time we want to change something. But surprising as it may seem, even though projects appear to be formally successful they do not always solve problems. Actually, they frequently create new ones. Consequently, we experience the recurring feeling that something is not working out, so we undertake more projects, thus initiating a vicious cycle. In other words, we start many projects, but they do not usually change much. However, the digital revolution is forcing us to make profound and lasting changes. Today, we can no longer afford to waste time and resources. We must avoid getting our organizations bogged down with ineffective projects and instead learn to distinguish useful actions from useless ones if we are to find room for and encourage creativity.

In SKIP! The Art of Avoiding Projects, Enrico Panai tackles the root of the problem, thereby laying the groundwork for an innovative ecology of the project. Thanks to a multidisciplinary approach relying on social and market research as well as examples from every day life the author proposes SKIP! as the watchword for avoiding useless time-wasting projects.

The English version is being translated by Alastair McEwan. (Alastair has been the translator of Umberto Eco, Alessandro Baricco and Enzo Biagi)

Best comments
The book is brilliant in its simplicity
Enrico Panai has written a valuable book of vital importance today as our digitized society becomes increasingly specialized and complex, and systems of production and information management require ever more efficient operational practice. The book is brilliant in its simplicity, explaining how inefficient business operations burdened by conventional, irrational procedures ( 'projects' in Mr. Panai's discussion) can render much of the body of effort in a corporation dysfunctional. Mr. Panai's thesis is not only refreshing, it's revelatory: "Planning, justifying and documenting can take longer and be more expensive than the action to be carried out". In the vast body of business literature, much of which is stodgy and gimmicky, 'Skip' offers a provocative, practical new perspective. It's a breath of fresh air. 
– Richard Elrauch
Well-conceived hypothesis.
Enrico Panai’s book Skip! The Art of Avoiding Projects presents an essential yet straightforward concept that more often than not it is important to set aside a project altogether than attempt it in the first place. The book follows through examples and carefully presented analysis showcasing that in a corporate structure, the amount of value -monetary, personnel, time – wasted on projects that never see the day of light (or if they do, are short-lived), can be saved and put to much better use by merely hitting the Skip! button at the right moment. Panai takes his readers through a well-conceived hypothesis where he commences by discussing the various results of projects and how they affect organisations. He then moves on to the "need" that supposedly ignites the idea of projects in the first place, finally emphasising on the fact that nipping a project in the bud at the "genesis" level (or before) is possibly the most important decision a company can make. He also very astutely reminds us time and again that “success does not mean doing everything well, but avoiding doing useless things”. Skipping, evading, not doing a job can often be looked upon as negative, however by viewing the complete picture, this action can, and often does, turn out to be the right conclusion. Being someone with a business and psychology background, I appreciated the fact that Panai incorporates all facets of decision making into the book. Whether it is human nature and behaviour, the workings of big corporations where employees and unnecessary tasks often get overlooked, or the possible scenarios that might come into play once a “Skip advisor” is contracted, he gives a brilliant holistic overview that isn’t preachy, but at the same time supportive of his thinking. I also loved that the author goes back into the history of the idea that is a “project” and takes us on a journey from when the word was first used to its present-day practice. Skip! The Art of Avoiding Projects isn't without its business jargons and terms that could seem a little daunting for the layman. Still, the book doesn't complicate the concept. Instead, by using an abundance of anecdotes and examples, Panai is able to keep both the language simple and the interest of the reader intact. One thought-provoking notion that comes into the light while reading Skip! is forming a right attitude towards the concept. In an example, Panai explains how a decision to cancel a project might take only 30 seconds but can save a company hundreds of thousand dollars. So, the real value of a “skip consultant” should not be measured in the time it takes for them to decide, rather it should consider the experience that led to making the verdict. Panai’s in-depth knowledge and evident passion towards the subject makes it easy for him to break down the complexities of the issue into small segments and then work on how each part plays an important role. In doing so, the book becomes a crucial read for anyone dealing in corporate management and simultaneously highlights the importance of critical and long-term thinking in present-day business. For me, the most exciting aspect of Skip! is the fact that although the book delves deep into the business structure of companies and looks at how avoiding projects can be useful to organisations, the same core idea can be used by individuals in their day to day lives on a more personal level. In doing so, it becomes a “life mantra”, one that can be adapted to “skip” the unnecessary and possibly lead to a fruitful existence. 
– Roy Winter
Table of contents
PARTE 1: The Project
The End of the Project ; The Last Soldier to Surrender ; Sneaking Off Ventures ; Freeze! ; Mission Withdrawal ; Roman Triumph ; The Project Is the Message ; Replicability Bias ; Frequency ; Projection ; Visibility ; Information ; Infojects ; Illumination: Driving
PARTE 2: The Need
Vision ; Monopoly ; Methodologies ; Triangle ; Measurements ; Irony ; Diabolicum ; The Project Grief ; Hard & Soft ; Silver Bullet ; Phenomenon ++ ; The Fission Project ; Needs ; Trigger Needs ; The Needs Flux Matrix ; The Need/Time Relationship ; Problems ; Ambitions ; The Need/Need Relationship ; Principal Needs and Auxiliary Needs ; Priority ; Dark Forces ; Interdependences ; The Need/Solution Relationship ; Restorations ; Innovations ; Rotating Stalemate (or the Direction of Change) ; Change Within Change ; Needs Flux Matrix ; Ethics and Aesthetics ; Project Experience ; The Need/Us Relationship ; Positive Need ; Essential Need ; Precautionary Need ; Dependent Need ; Posture ; Simplifiers ; Incrementers ; Utopians ; Agents, Key Players in Change ; Types of Change ; Instrumental Change ; Functional Change ; Paradigmatic Change ; The Compass ; Hyperhistorical Projects ; Relationship Between Infojects and Infosphere ; Relationship Between Infojects and Inforgs ; Infochange and Biology ; Beyond the + and the – (or the Ethics of Change) ; Well-Being ; Equilibrium ; Evolutionism
PARTE 3 Skip the Project!
Conflict of Interest ; The Consultant Paradox ; New Contractual Forms ; The Ethical Code ; What Skip! Is Worth ; Hitting Skip! ; 7
When to Skip! ; Development ; Stop ; Upgrade ; Downsizing ; Letting Go ; Design ; Genesis ; Skip Value Flag ; I Always Knew ; The Ultimate Purpose ; The Skipper! ; Signals ; Hyperfocalization ; Disequilibrium ; Distorted Thinking ; Weapons ; Perimeter of Competence ; Orismology ; Irrational Awareness  

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