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Archives of Éthique de l’information

What philosophy to choose for the future of europe?

Original text in English Published on the 12 of April 2020 on Moondo.info We sail on a sea of data—a sea that has always supported us, for without data, creation is impossible in principle. If in this day we wish to design a new European project, we must base this project on a philosophy that […]

La philosophie est le sel (aussi pour l’entreprise)

Original text in English Published on the 27 of March 2020 on Le journal du Net Et si au lieu de chercher la méthode ultime, l’astuce d’enfer, la killer application, la potion miracle, nous nous consacrions à réfléchir un peu plus et un peu mieux ? Les bons outils sont là, devant nous. Ils sont fournis […]

When skipping a project is an act of love

Original text in English Interviewed by Matthew Borg – Events and Foreign Rights – Senior Manager National Book Council (Malta) Published on the 6 of March 2020 on The Times of Malta The information age generates a daily barrage of all kinds of information. Should we seek refuge from it? When we talk about the […]