Enrico Panaï

L’éthique de l’intelligence artificielle expliquée à mon fils

Enrico Panaï

L’éthique de l’intelligence artificielle expliquée à mon fils

Enrico Panai

AI Ethicist and Human Information Interaction Specialist


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Enrico Panaï

AI Ethics and
Cybersecurity Expert

Enrico Panai is an AI ethicist with a background in philosophy and extensive consulting experience in Italy. He spent seven years as an adjunct professor of Digital Humanities at the University of Sassari. Since moving to France in 2007, he has continued his work as a consultant. In 2017, he studied Strategies for Cyber Security Awareness at the Institut National de Hautes Études de la Sécurité et de la Justice in Paris. Holding a PhD in Cybergeography and AI Ethics, he is the founder of the consultancy BeEthical.be. He serves as a professor of Responsible AI at EMlyon Business School, ISEP in Paris, and La Cattolica in Milan. Additionally, he is the president of the Association of AI Ethicists. Currently, his main role is as an officer of the French Standardization Committee for AI and convenor of the working group on fundamental and societal aspects of AI at the European CEN-CENELEC JTC21—the European standardization body focused on producing deliverables that address European market and societal needs. Among the core standards managed are Trustworthiness of AI, Competences of professional AI ethicists and Suistainable AI. His main research interests concern cyber-geography, human-information interaction, philosophy and ethics of information and semantic capital.

"Skip! The Art of Avoiding Unnecessary Projects"

In *Skip! The Art of Avoiding Projects*, I address the root problem of the futility of certain work, paving the way for an innovative project ecology. Through a multidisciplinary approach, scientific discoveries, and numerous real-life examples, I propose *Skip!* as the password to avoid unnecessary designs. Before it's too late.

L'Éthique de l'intelligence artificielle expliquée à mon fils

Un essai comme un roman. Un dialogue animé entre un père, éthicien de l’IA, et son fils, curieux et passionné. Un soir, à la maison, tout en préparant de délicieuses pâtes, le père et le fils explorent ensemble les thèmes de la confiance et des risques dans le domaine de l’IA, réfléchissant sur la profession à la fois ancienne et innovante d’éthicien. Leur échange est enrichi par l’intervention d’un oncle excentrique, dont l’éloquence étrange et l’approche zen ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives sur la morale. Tous les ingrédients sont réunis, dans un bon équilibre, afin de rendre possible la compréhension des enjeux de l’éthique de l’AI. Et surtout, pour comprendre que la philosophie ne cherche pas à réduire l’incertitude avec des solutions universelles, mais plutôt à naviguer dans cette zone grise, en prenant en compte l’incertitude, sans chercher à la détruire artificiellement.

L'etica dell'intelligenza artificiale spiegata a mio figlio

Un saggio come un romanzo. Un vivace dialogo tra un padre, un eticista dell’IA, e suo figlio, curioso e appassionato. Una sera a casa, mentre preparano della deliziosa pasta, padre e figlio esplorano insieme i temi della fiducia e dei rischi nel campo dell’IA, riflettendo sulla professione di eticista, sia antica che innovativa. La loro conversazione si arricchisce grazie all’intervento di uno zio eccentrici, la cui peculiare eloquenza e approccio zen aprono nuove prospettive sulla moralità. Tutti gli ingredienti si combinano, in un buon equilibrio, per rendere possibile la comprensione delle questioni etiche legate all’IA. E, cosa più importante, per comprendere che la filosofia non cerca di ridurre l’incertezza con soluzioni universali, ma piuttosto di navigare in quest’area grigia, tenendo conto dell’incertezza senza tentare di eliminarla artificialmente.

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