Enrico Panaï
Throughout my career, I have collaborated with various companies, organisations and government bodies on projects related to AI ethics. In parallel, I teach at emlyon Business School in France and at the Catholic Universityof the Sacred Heart in Italy. Additionally, I am the president of the Association of AI Ethicists, an organisation that promotes the importance of an ethical approach to the development and use of artificial intelligence. I actively participate in standardisation initiatives as an officer of the French AI standardisation committee at AFNOR, as editor of the standard AI-enhanced nudging in ISO/IEC JTC1 SC42 WG3 and as convenor of WG4 about Fundamental and societal aspect of AI in CEN-CENELEC JTC21. In CEN-CENELEC JTC21, we are writing the standards for the EU AI ACT.
My main areas of research focus on AI ethics, with particular attention to the development of ethical frameworks to manage and mitigate the risks associated with AI technologies. I am interested in understanding how AI can negatively influence users’ ability to make choices, especially vulnerable groups such as children and adolescents. This work is particularly relevant in the context of nudging AI systems, which can subtly but potentially harmfully influence individuals’ decisions.
I am involved in evaluating the risks associated with the use of AI technologies in sectors such as internal security, migration, and justice, in collaboration with European institutions. Moreover, I work on issues of AI transparency and governance, aiming to develop guidelines and methodologies to ensure the responsible and ethical implementation of artificial intelligence.
Regarding publications, I have written numerous articles and essays focusing on AI ethics and the construction of ethical frameworks that include peripheral and marginalised regions in decision-making processes. One of my upcoming publications is “Raising the Ethical Voice of the Periphery in the Construction of AI Ethics Frameworks”. I have also translated into French Luciano Floridi‘s book, “L’éthique de l’intelligence artificielle”.
On the editorial front, I published in Italian and French “The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence Explained to My Son” (Mimesis, 11 October 2024), a lively dialogue between a father, an AI ethicist, his son, and an eccentric uncle. The book explores the themes of trust and risk in AI. I also published “Skip! The Art of Avoiding Projects” (EDES, 2020), a work that addresses an ecological approach to project management in the information age.
I obtained my university degree from the University of Sassari, where I studied philosophy. I taught for six years as an adjunct professor of Digital Humanities at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Sassari.
Later, I enhanced my expertise in cybersecurity in France at the Institut National de Hautes Etudes de la Sécurité et de la Justice in Paris.
My main research interests concern cyber-geography, human-information interaction, philosophy and ethics of information and semantic capital.
The book explores normative paths, from hard law to standardisation, and other tools of monitoring and supervision, from ethics to media literacy, that could progressively lead to a fair, comprehensive and balanced governance of AI in the Union.
Come ci si muove, cosa si può fare, quante e quali opportunità offre questo nuovo mondo.
Una guida essenziale per formare le tue competenze digitali.
Non imparerai a programmare, non diventerai un professionista del web advertising, né un esperto SEO. Ma acquisirai tutte le nozioni necessarie ad affacciarti a questo mondo, informazioni utili a formare le tue competenze in modo trasversale.
Il manuale ti fornirà per ogni argomento trattato le basi della materia, indicandoti tutti i riferimenti per approfondire.
Apprezzerai il valore dei dati, scoprirai le 5 cartatteristiche dell'essere digitale, la differenza che c'è tra leader ed influencer, rifletterai sulle opportunità ed i rischi della democrazia digitale.
Approfondirai la conoscenza della comunicazione istituzionale e di quella aziendale. Capirai la centralità del concetto di posizionamento, sia per impostare una corretta strategia di marketing digitale (social media strategy, web content strategy, seo e link building), che per fissare gli obiettivi tattici dell'inbound marketing (content marketing, social media marketing, search engine marketing, digital advertising, direct email marketing).
Acquisirai le conoscenze necessarie ad impostare un ecommerce.
Infine potrai guardare in avanti, cercando di vedere cosa si prospetta all'orizzonte e scorgere un mondo fatto di novità ed opportunità, che vale la pena iniziare a conoscere e che non è nemmeno così lontano.
"Abbiamo bisogno di cambiare molto del nostro modo di essere e di fare per generare un salto consapevole nel digitale. Il libro di Angelelli è una sorta di istruzioni per l’uso di questo nuovo mondo. Ne illustra potenzialità e qualità, spingendosi in ambiti ove, in genere, i manuali non si avventurano, lasciando al lettore la possibilità di costruirsi un orizzonte ed immaginare come poterlo attraversare con le proprie gambe" (dalla prefazione di Sergio Bellucci).
The ability of a computer to “see” is an astonishing achievement. AI-powered systems can “understand” the context of an image or a video at an impressive level of detail. They can identify a growing set of entities — such as persons, named individuals, cars, buildings, and eventually any object — with increasing levels of accuracy.
For example, given an image or video, algorithms can estimate properties such as the number of persons in the picture, their gender, age, emotional state, or even the occasion and the dynamics. Computer Vision is making huge strides, with massive applications in autonomous cars, navigation, robotics, medical diagnosis, and more.
However, achieving global sustainability is not an inevitable or obvious outcome of digitalization. Indeed, digital technologies, through their energy and material requirements and influence on consumer demands, have accelerated the exponential rise of the human impact on the natural environment that now threatens the resilience of our ecological systems, alongside worsening societal inequalities and escalating social injustice.
Digitalization has the potential to help transform society and business models to a more sustainable and equitable world, but only if there is a conscious and deliberate effort to steer it in that direction. This Action Plan offers a vision on three systemic shifts needed to achieve this goal, together with a set of 9 Impact Initiatives to spark immediate collective action and multi-stakeholder collaboration.